O​ur Art and Design Curriculum

O​ur Curriculum Intent

Art and design at Grappenhall Heys provides the children with different stimuli, giving them the opportunities to interpret their own ideas using a variety of techniques to produce unique creations. Children become empowered to find their own connections and contrasts in art by exploring and experimenting in the rich environment around them, for example different textures in our school grounds. Children are given opportunities to make choices of techniques and tools they should use, building on knowledge from prior learning. They use progressive vocabulary that guides their pathways of exploration and justification. The use of questioning in art at our school is critical to build upon ideas and often inspire one another to re-visit and re-shape their creative experiences.

Our children are proud of their art creations and are able to use them in other subjects, presenting them at local exhibits. A strong sense of belonging is created when the children see their own art displayed. The local community network drives the involvement of many artists and role models for the children that are relatable to their lives. Parents are involved in art projects that are used to celebrate the school.  

Children reflect on their work through the interpretations they voice during their art experiences, as well as through self-reflection that is often documented in individual sketch books in Key Stage 2. They develop a strong spirit to continually challenge themselves and seek further knowledge to support their ambitions. They support one another to believe that reaching levels of excellence is achievable through a willingness to take risks with an enthusiastic resilience and to see a journey through to completion way beyond an original idea.  

T​he Purpose Of Our Curriculum

We develop children who…

  1. Produce creative work;
  2. Explore their ideas and record their experiences;
  3. Are proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques;
  4. Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design;
  5. Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.

O​ur Curriculum Offer - What We Teach In Art and Design

Our School art and design curriculum is sequenced to ensure the progression of substantive knowledge (which includes  declarative knowledge - what children should know) of Vocabulary', 'People, Places and Events', 'Concepts' and procedural knowledge (what children should do) in 'Procedures'.  Art and design also has specific disciplinary knowledge directly related to the development of expertise within the subject; how to be an artist or designer.

The fundamental skills, knowledge and concepts of our art and design curriculum are set out in the EYFS Framework 2021 and National Curriculum 2014, where they are categorised into programmes of study.  Our school curriculum carefully sequences the progression of learning for the seven elements of Art: line, shape, form, space, texture, value (tone) and colour. Alongside our own curriculum, we use schemes such as KAPOW and Accessart to enrich subject knowledge, learning experiences and outcomes for our pupils. We teach art and design, deliver skills and knowledge through creative units of work that improve pupil’s own personal development through time and build upon skills, knowledge and vocabulary each year.

Our pupils and staff love learning about art and design, and we work hard to develop and build upon our skills and knowledge at Grappenhall Heys. We encourage active learning and hands on experiences to promote independence and resilience.  We provide a progressive curriculum and support our children to use their prior learning to develop and build upon their skills, knowledge and vocabulary throughout the key stages. This ensures skills are built upon over  time, encouraging all our children to know where their learning fits, building upon previous knowledge, preparing them for their next steps by enabling them to learn more and remember more.

We promote subject knowledge and vocabulary using knowledge organisers and art annotation sheets. These can be found on the art and design subject page of the website;  The annotation sheets can be accessed by the children in their sketch books and supports their learning. Knowledge organisers alongside the progression maps and medium-term plans are used by teachers to understand what children should already know and how they are adding to pupils' knowledge.

Click on the links to find out more about these elements...

Line - All About Lines - Understanding The Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Form -All About Form: Take Your Art to The Third Dimension - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Value/tone - All About Value in Art: Light and Dark - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Colour - All About Colour: Mixing Hues, Saturations, and Values - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Space - All About Space Foreground, Middle Ground, Background - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Shape - All About Shapes - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

Texture -All About Texture: Add Feeling to Your Artwork - Understanding the Elements of Art and Design - YouTube

N​ational Curriculum for Art and Design

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Click here for the EYFS Statutory Framework

Click here Development Matters curriculum statements for Reception and Nursery children

In Early Years, the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Curriculum and Development Matters document are used for planning and assessment. In the Foundation Stage, pupils experience a wide range of activities linked to Expressive Art and Design. Activities are planned for children to play, explore, actively learn and develop their thinking skills in Art and Design through focused, continuous and enhanced provision.

The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts. The frequency, repetition and depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear, respond to and observe.

K​ey Stage 1 and 2

C​lick here to access the KS1 & KS2 art and design National Curriculum

The National Curriculum outlines the key objectives for each year group. These have been organised into long-term-plans that ensure coverage and progression in each year group.  The plans provide guidance to staff on time to spend covering each unit of work. However, plans may differ as staff respond and adapt to the individual needs of each cohort.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, in line with the National Curriculum, art and design lessons are planned and taught to ensure cross-strand coverage of all of the seven elements of art and design. In order to achieve these aims, the pupils will be given opportunities to value their own and each other’s ideas and work. Children work individually or collaboratively in pairs or larger groups and use preliminary investigation  through the use of sketches, first hand experience, gallery visits, artist workshops to motivate and inspire and give the children the experience of working with a professional, use of a range of materials (2D and 3D),  computer software and apps, artefacts and visits out in the surrounding area. Through the evaluation of ideas and methods, children will see that their work is valued, celebrated and in the rich and varied displays throughout the school which showcase and celebrate the development and progression in learning.

Click here for the Year KS3 art and design National Curriculum to see the next steps of learning beyond our primary curriculum.

Roadmap for art and design

Art and design long-term plan

Art and design medium-term plan with end points

Art and design progression maps

Art and design knowledge organisers


O​ur Curriculum Offer - How We Teach Art and Design

An art and design lesson at Grappenhall Heys always begins with an opportunity to recap, connect and embed prior learning. The start of a lesson will ensure that pupils access previously taught skills, concepts, vocabulary or knowledge. We want our children to learn more and remember more in all lessons.

We use the Pyramid Progression Model researched and developed by Paul Carney.




​Pupils make PROGRESS when you teach them SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE via CREATIVE, explorative projects. They REFLECT on their own learning and know how and where to make improvements. 

  • Technical proficiency of skills - in multiple, self-selected pictorial repertoires, not only ones selected by a teacher as being the most appropriate. 
  • Understanding and applying knowledge - for both artistic intentions and in it's own right as critical enjoyment. All knowledge taught relates to a bigger key concept that underpins a deeper understanding of the subject.
  • Creativity - a series of activities, exercises, and projects that develop the ability to think and act with purpose and originality. These are the activities and lessons that you teach, the alchemy of art practice.
  • Personal development - the growth of the reflective, thinking artist. This develops and grows over lifetimes, not key stages, but the journey begins here. Educational stages (or years) should regularly check this progress and report back to students on their progress.

In this model, children develop their knowledge and skills in tandem with learning how to creatively express them. In this way, personal development is made and pupils should be fully aware and take ownership of, this development through critical self-evaluation and discussion.  These ideas, alongside our learning pedagogy, underpin our teaching and pupils' learning across school.

Rich and varied displays throughout the school showcase and celebrate the development and progression in learning.


A​mbition for all

W​e deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all children. Click here for further information on how we support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

W​hat Makes Art and Design Special at Grappenhall Heys?

Art and Design is a popular subject in our school Throughout the year, children have many opportunities to be reflective learners and enhance their personal development. Within school, this includes visits to galleries, visiting artists and craftspeople and exploring the works of a wide variety of artists. Every two years, the school joins a number of other Warrington schools to apply for the Warrington Art Award. We were last awarded it for the third time Summer 2023. Most classes are taught by an Art and Design specialist teacher who uses the curriculum plans written in conjunction with staff, based on the National Curriculum and the EYFS Framework.

We work hard to promote the value and worth of art and design in our school. Our children have access to high-quality lessons that build upon prior learning. Our curriculum and teaching is planned in a way that children are engaged and informed, excited and inspired, challenged and have fun exploring and working on their designs:

  • Children love Art and Design lessons. Children and parents provide regular positive feedback about this. EYFS have many opportunities to create in their provision using a wide range of tools, media and surfaces. Each child in KS1 and KS2 have developed the independence to explore their own styles and influences using their sketchbooks due to the regular teaching and learning in this subject.
  • Each sketchbook is very different, and the children are happy to explain their design process. They can use a growing variety of media and equipment with greater independence.
  • As the subject lead I promote the subject with specialist teaching, quality and diverse materials and model sketchbook use. I work on a different sketchbook for each class and model in this, various ways they can explore the choice of artists, theme and use of different media which is often mixed, reflecting the work of current artists and giving the children a chance to find media that they like to work with. The children often take these example sketchbooks to their own tables to see how ideas can be developed further.
  • We follow the I do, we do, you do approach throughout school and use visualisers which allows the children to see new skills such as shading or exploring drawing techniques - single point perspective for example.

We have links with the Bridgewater High School ensuring smooth transitions for the subject. Teachers use responsive teaching to adapt learning and provide resources to meet the needs of pupils to and ensure ambition for all. Consistent monitoring of pupil progress and understanding inform structured interventions and support in the planning of future lessons. Alongside tasks to assess misconceptions and extend learning, we develop pupil independence and resilience when tackling new learning, techniques or problem solving, sketchbook exploration and practise with a variety of media has been essential in this.

In addition, we provide a range of enrichment opportunities in art and design. There is a weekly sculpture club which uses textiles, clay, wire, card , beads and modroc to make a wide range of sculpture projects. This has enabled the children who want to develop their skills in this area further. Photography Club runs in the summer term, which not only explores the use of iPad cameras but other areas of digital art. We aim to develop cross-curricular links, encourage creativity and provide opportunities and ambition for pupils of all abilities.


Our Pupil Voice

"I​t's my favourite because it makes me feel free and use your imagination."

Y​ear 6 pupil

Click here to learn about our Art and Design Pupil Voice

H​ow Can You Find Out More?

How can I support my child at home?

We welcome parental support to secure understanding of the Art and Design curriculum. You could try:

- Using topic themes, reading book focuses and home learning opportunities to explore different media to create pieces of art.

- Taking your child to visit local museums and art galleries to learn about and appreciate art and design through time.

Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions.

Useful websites with fun projects that may be used to support art and design:










C​lick here to see our celebration of work

Click here to learn about how we use sketchbooks

Art sketchbooks are used to support children in class from Y1 to Y6:
- To practise drawing techniques such as shading, perspective and drawing from different viewpoints.

- To practise certain skills and features, and gather information for use on a larger piece of work.

- To record details about the item being drawn or sketched for future reference.

- To include sketches and working drawings for ideas of things the children want to make.

- To gather information or give specific knowledge of artists, techniques or media.