Maths Pupil Voice 

In Pupil Voice sessions, we value the views of our pupils and hold regular informal chats with groups of pupils from Year 1 - Year 6 to hear what they think about each subject. Each half term, we see a different group of children so that we get opinions and ideas from throughout the school. Our Curriculum Ambassadors support subject leaders at these sessions.


N​ovember 2023

Y​ear 6 have loved the work that they have been doing in class on multiples, factors, primes and squares. They completed the unit of work by tackling an evil challenge. Their brilliant pupil voice can be seen by clicking on the photo on the left and reading this Facebook post.


"​[We] enjoyed this challenge lots but found it really tricky, after lots of wrong answer we finally got it!! The relief when we found it was amazing, I can't tell you how happy we are." Year 6 child
"O​ver the past two days we have attempted countless times to finish it and after 2 hours we finally got it! This problem broke my brain." Year 6 child




O​ctober 2023

I​n our maths pupil voice this half-term, we focused on prior learning and asked children about what they had learnt before.

"T​eachers take learning step by step," Year 4 child
"Y​ou can look at your maths road map," Year 6 child
"W​e learn methods over time to help us remember," Year 5 child
"T​eachers ask us if we remember a topic from last year," Year 6 child


M​ay 2023

W​e welcome our Maths Ambassadors.

Congratulations to our new Maths Ambassadors who have been chosen by teachers for their excellence and passion in maths. They are great role models to all and will help with our leadership of maths across school. Their first task was to join an NCETM maths hub specilaust, Mrs Ottiwell and Mrs Jackson on a maths learning walk around school, where they observed maths in every room and chatted to the other chidren about what they were learning.


W​e created a new Wordle thinking about what maths means to us...



O​ctober 2023

Our pupils had a great time working with Year 6 children from Locking Stumps Community Primary School, Stockton Heath Primary School and Twiss Green Community Primary School.

These schools are all part of our Collaborative Leanring Group. More pupil voice cab be found on our Collaborative Learning page.





M​arch 2023

Early Years' children chatted about their maths learning and shared their NCETM Mastering Number floor book which shows what they have previously learnt.

'W​e like to do numbers' - Jasper

'W​e made some dinosaur footprints to measure' - Gracie

'​We make equal amounts' - Auruora

'​10 plus 10 makes 20' - Aoefia

'​We learn how to count to different numbers' - Cole


February 2023

O​ur Pupil Voice group today explored the idea of 'Teaching for Mastery'. We discussed what a 'master' is and then looked at the 5 big ideas and asked the children if they could give examples of what each thing might look like in our class. The children were brilliant at giving examples of how we might represent maths questions using manipulatives in class.

My favourite answer when I asked what fluency looked like was when a Year 5 child said that it was being 'smooth' with calculations!



I​ asked our children why we learn maths in small, seqeunced steps...?

-​ So we don't make mistakes - so we remember it - we don't want to rush - so it is easier to comprehend -

(KS1 and KS2 children)



July 2022

We asked our children the following questions to get an idea of how they feel in maths lessons…

How do you feel when you are about to start maths?

Y6 – Excited but at the same time we get challenged and it makes your brain hurt.

Y2 – Excited to learn something new and keep going with something hard.

How do you feel when you get stuck?

Y5 – You know you have it there but you can’t quite reach it. It’s when you are stuck but want to keep trying.

O​ctober 2022

W​e had great fun in our Pupil Voice session today talking about manipulatives and representations!

The children could discuss using concrete materials, pictoral representations, part whole models, number lines, place value charts, base 10 resources, counters, tens frames and place value counters to support their learning in place value and addition and subtraction.



What can you do if you get stuck?
Y5 – Ask my friends. We get lots of time to talk about maths.
Y2 – Three before me – brain, book and boss.
Y4 - Write it down and look at it so you can see where it’s wrong. Don’t try to do it all in your head.
Y2 – I draw tens and ones.




April 2022

Our pupils really enjoyed discussing their maths work with each other. They were asked to share a piece of work that they were proud of and one which challenged them.

We then talked about what progress is in maths and how our teachers tell pupils that they are doing well and explain how to improve if they make mistakes.


February 2022

We were joined today in our Pupil Voice session by Mr Lawton, one of our governors. After sharing pieces of work that we were proud of with each other, we also shard work that we found hard.

It was lovely to see what each class were doing.

We then talked about three key ideas in maths – fluency, problem solving and mastery. The children had some amazing ideas about what there terms meant.

What is fluency?

  • Fluent with writing numbers and reading questions. (Y2)
  • Where the numbers flow in your mind. (Y4)
  • All your calculations enter your brain and a ‘ping’ comes and then you know. (Y3)
  • Knowing numbers facts - times tables / division facts / numbers /nets / number bonds / calculations. (group suggestions)


What is problem solving?
  • When you solve problems. (Y2)
  • It’s where you have information and you solve problems based on that information. (Y6)
  • A question with lots of information and sometimes information that throws you off. (Y6)

What is mastery?

  • You do something really well. (Y3)
  • When you have got really good at it. (Y4)
  • It means to be an expert at maths. (Y6)



We also explored progression in addition in pupils' maths books so far this year. The pupils looked at each others work and discussed how previous learning is built upon each year...

October 2021

We asked pupils what we do to help them learn more and remember more...

- Teachers provide equipment if you need to use is (counters and number square)

- Teachers read the questions through and explain them

- We use diagrams to put a picture in your head of the question

- We do lots of practise (e.g. Times Tables Rock Stars)

- We repeat work during the year so that we remember it

- Teachers recap knowledge and go over work from the other years



January 2020

In our Pupil Voice Forum, we asked the children what they thought of maths at Grappenhall Heys. All the children said that they like maths, most of them love maths. Not one child said that they didn't enjoy maths. 

Great positivity and really lovely feedback from our learners!


December 2019 



My favourite thing about maths is...



November 2019 


In our Pupil Voice Forum, we asked our children to share with us work that they are proud of.


October 2019

Why do we love maths at Grappenhall Heys?

Some of our pupils share their thoughts on maths.