O​ur Music Curriculum

O​ur Curriculum Intent

We believe that the purpose of great music education is for pupils to make more music, think more musically and become more musical. In order to make progress in music, our students learn in three ways, known as the three ‘pillars of music.’ These pillars allow children to make progress technically, changing their thoughts and ideas into sounds, constructively, allowing their thoughts and ideas to come together into a piece of music, and expressively, seeing and hearing their creation come to life.

Our music curriculum is based on tacit knowledge from children’s past experiences; procedural knowledge where the tools of the curriculum are given and the children are encouraged to practise new skills; and declarative knowledge, which teach our children about the history and culture of music. Through practice, repetition and performance our children succeed, making music an exciting and enjoyable adventure and experience for all.

Our curriculum, adapted from the Charanga model music curriculum is personalised to meet the needs of our pupils and supports teachers in the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum,. This allows children to build on their prior knowledge; practise new vocal and instrumental skills and learn new information. This approach gives the children confidence to practise and perform in smaller class groups, perfecting their new skills to use in bigger performances.

The Purpose of Our Curriculum

We develop children who…

  • Explore and evaluate music genres throughout history;
  • Sing and use their voices for composition both individually and in groups;
  • Have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument;
  • Understand the six elements of musical creation;
  • Experience musical notation and higher levels of musical excellence;
  • L​ove to perform!

O​ur Curriculum Offer - What We Teach In Music


Our music offer is developed around the Charanga model music curriculum, which is modelled on the seven elements of music: pitch, timbre, structure, texture, duration, tempo and dynamics.

The EYFS curriculum is organised into units which are topic-based and cross curricular, fitting into the EYFS understanding the world and literacy topics and using stories, nursery rhymes and some popular music as its basis for learning.

Here, children are encouraged to explore and learn using their voices and classroom instruments, sing and respond in movement to music they are listening to, and begin to explore the first elements of music - pitch, rhythm and pulse.

The musical elements covered echo the EYFS Development matters guidance 2023 which states ‘The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in, is a crucial for developing their understanding, self- expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts.’

K​ey Stage 1 and 2

In Key Stage 1 and 2, in line with the National Curriculum, lessons are taught to ensure coverage of the programme of study using a personalised and adapted Charanga music curriculum. Our music offer goes above and beyond the National Curriculum and ensures that all children are given the opportunity to learn an instrument and perform to an audience as part of their class music lessons in addition to have regular, deliberate enrichment musical opporunities during their time with us. .

Parents also have the option to purchase individual or small group instrumental lessons for their child in guitar, through Halton & Warrington Music Support Service (HWMSS) or to learn a variety of instruments as part of a rock band through Rocksteady. For further details, please speak to the school office.

Pupils are taught all elements of the music curriculum:

  • To perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians;
  • To learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence;
  • To understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through their inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.


C​lick here to access the music National Curriculum

Roadmap for music

Music long-term plan

Music knowledge progression

Music vocabulary progression


Music learning and knowledge organisers are shared using Seesaw


O​ur Curriculum Offer - How We Teach Music

Our music lessons at Grappenhall Heys begin with an opportunity to recap, revisit or build on the previous learning, which help children to consolidate earlier skills and knowledge. This is often in the form of a quiz or piece of music which recaps earlier learning.

Lesson objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of each unit and each lessons, making it clear to the children what the outcome of the lesson will be. These high expectations will be based on the children's three areas of prior knowledge and will take practice and development. Each music lesson gives children a chance to listen, sing, play and perform. The children will be given tasks as a class or small group, teachers will model ideas and encourage other children to demonstrate or perform what they’ve learned so far.

The children have many chances to rehearse and improve their work before they perform to each other, this may be within the lesson, in small sections or as a completed piece of work. Learning is adapted to meet the needs of individual learners and teachers using informal, ongoing assessment to give instant, meaningful feedback.

In Key Stage 2, children create a completed composition, improvisation or performance on a new instrument and are given lots of opportunities to perform throughout the year. Our children are encouraged to participate as a class, group or individual to perform in one of our regular whole school assemblies or concerts and in our school Talent Show.


A​mbition for all

W​e deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all children. Click here for further information on how we support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).



W​hat Makes Music Special at Grappenhall Heys?

Music at Grappenhall Heys is a vital part of a well-rounded educational experience and promotes personal development, confidence and resilience. Our offer goes beyond the National Curriculum and helps build our children’s self-esteem and self-discipline. A high-quality music education enables life-long participation in enjoyment of music, as well as underpinning excellence and professionalism for those who choose not to pursue a career in music.

At Grappenhall Heys, we provide each child with the opportunity to be part of the school choir, a rock band, to learn a new instrument and to perform vocally or instrumentally in many concerts or assemblies, and at outside venues.

Our curriculum provides units of work and gives teachers the tools to teach their pupils to learn the recorder, glockenspiel and Ukulele. We also bring in specialist teachers in Year 4 to teach our children how to play the samba drum. Our children are encouraged to participate individually or in groups at various concerts, practising beforehand in and out of school and performing to their parents, peers and the community.

Every child has the opportunity to join the school choir. Our choir, made up of both staff and children, perform in and out of school, creating opportunities ‘for many musical experiences.’

At Grappenhall Heys, we are lucky to have Rocksteady music giving weekly lessons in drumming, keyboard, guitar and voice to our children. Over 30% of our children enjoy weekly lessons and perform each term to an audience. Separate acoustic guitar lessons are also held each Tuesday and pupils are making great progress.

Children at Grappenhall Heys are taught to encourage, support and celebrate each other's achievements; performances are met with enthusiasm by the pupils and staff in evey key stage. Each year, a talent show is held, along with a Nursery, Reception and KS1 Nativity, Year 4 inter-school performances and Year 6 end the school year with a musical, performed by the leavers with support from the school choir.

Opportunities are given each term to perform and celebrate what has been learned with Christmas and Spring concerts, our children are excited to perform inside and outside school.

We welcome musical visitors into school from local high schools, where the children listen to older pupils from KS3 perform and have the opportunity to perform for those pupils too. We have links with both Bridgewater High School and Sir Thomas Boteler C of E High School.

Our Pupil Voice

‘"Music makes you calm, it helps you to feel in harmony with your friends.’" Year 4 child
"​I really enjoy ukulele and music because it makes me calm. I wish we had two music lessons per week!" Year 6 child

Click here to learn about our Music Pupil Voice

C​lick here to learn about musical enrichment at Grappenhall Heys

H​ow Can You Find Out More?

The school office has information about Rocksteady and Guitar lessons. Please ask if your child is interested in any of these music lessons.

Our school choir club is on a Monday, 3.30-4.30.