O​ur PE Curriculum

O​ur Curriculum Intent

​At Grappenhall Heys Community Primary School, we are committed to providing our pupils with two hours of high- quality PE each week. Our pupils have a rich introduction to the world of physical activity and sport because of the breadth of experience in our Physical Education curriculum. Our PE curriculum provides children with first-hand, active and meaningful learning experiences, leading to a love of sport and lifelong healthy habits.

Our pupils are fully engaged in their learning and strive for personal success. This leads to exciting discoveries about themselves and their peers, driven by strong British values. An inclusive experience of continually making adaptations and developing unique approaches is the norm of sporting performance at our school. Disability sport is celebrated and explored as part of our pupils' knowledge and experiences of sports. Residential opportunities in Key Stage 2 provide a further context for developing essential cross-curricular skills, alongside developing physical confidence, independence and excellence.

There is clear progression of each skill which is carefully planned and sequenced and builds upon starting points and prior learning. Our Play Leaders are trained to deliver active lunchtime activities, engaging our less physically active pupils, promoting our key values of working together in a caring environment and being aspirational role models to others in school.

Links to the local community are evident in pathways made through assemblies, lessons, extra-curricular sessions and local clubs. An established Health Week and after school club programme ensure that pupils are exposed to a broad variety of sports. The use of technology and PE learning journals by pupils enables reflection and celebration. The strong balance between competition and participation in our Physical Education curriculum encourages and promotes fairness and respect. Our school’s great sense of community inspires our children to work together to aim, believe, achieve.

T​he Purpose Of Our Curriculum

We develop children who are …

1. Competent to excel in a broad range of physical activities, demonstrating strength and flexibility;

2. Physically active for sustained periods of time and show endurance;

3. Engaged in competitive sports or activities, and lead healthy, active lives;

4. Driven by personal success and display positive competitiveness, perseverance and resilience;

5. Fair and respectful towards others and embody our school values.

O​ur Curriculum Offer - What We Teach In PE

We use the PE Hubs scheme of work to support the delivery of PE and create a bespoke curriculum suited to the needs and interests of our pupils by making cross-curricular or thematic links with other subjects where appropriate.

The fundamental skills, knowledge and concepts of the subject are set out in the EYFS and Physical Education Curriculum and National Curriculum 2014, where they are categorised into programmes of study.



In Early Years, the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Curriculum is used for planning and assessment. PE hub is used to support curriculum planning allowing pupils to experience a wide range of activities linked to Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language. Activities are carefully planned for pupils to play, explore, actively learn and develop their skills in PE through focused, continuous and enhanced provision as well as a formal hour PE lesson.

Gross and fine motor experiences within the sessions support the development of pupils' strength, co-ordination and positional awareness, developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being, proficiency, control and confidenceCarefully-planned provision areas allow amble opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, where adults support pupils to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 1 and 2, in line with the National Curriculum, lessons are planned and taught to ensure cross-strand coverage of all of the curriculum areas. Planning for PE is outlined in our in long-term plan. This incorporates The PE HUB scheme and Creative Steps, which provide a full breadth of relevant, plentiful and high quality PE planning from Foundation to KS1 and KS2. Lesson overviews, knowledge organisers and plans (annotated from the schemes of work) demonstrate prior learning, differentiation, cross curricular links, skill development, tactical opportunities, key questions (both open and closed) and next steps in learning. Our pupils take an active role in their learning and the learning of their peers. Technology and PE journals are effectively used to support the teaching and learning of PE.


Key Stage 1

Pupils develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Pupils are taught a variety of skills:

  • To master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • To participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • To perform dances using simple movement patterns

Key Stage 2

Pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils are taught a variety of skills:

  • To use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • To play competitive games, modified where appropriate, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • To develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
  • To perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • To take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • To compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best

Swimming and water safety

When in Year 4 and Year 5, our pupils are taught to swim:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

C​lick here to read the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum

PE long-term plan

PE knowledge progression KS1 / PE knowledge progression KS2

Sample PE knowledge organisers - KS1 Gymnastics/ KS2 Gymnastics

Sample PE knowledge cards - KS1 Gymnastics / KS2 Gymnastics

O​ur Curriculum Offer - How We Teach PE

At Grappenhall Heys our pupils love Physical Education. We ensure that all pupils, regardless of their starting points, have access to exciting, high-quality lessons and challenge that promote physical competence and personal best. Our pupils develop their fundamental skills in a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes active and healthy lifestyles, physical skills, physical development and knowledge of the body in action. Physical Education at Grappenhall Heys is exciting and it enables pupils to learn and develop confidence, perseverance and resilience, team spirit, positive competitiveness, positive relationships and organisation. Our pupils enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other and develop a secure understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. Physical Education is an integral part of our school offer, allowing all pupils to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.

In PE lessons, learning goals are shared with the children including clear success criteria and the sequenced steps to success. Vocabulary and knowledge organisers are shared and discussed with the children. In Key Stage 2, our children use PE journals to record and analyse knowledge and skills. They take an active role in their assessment and the assessment of their peers. We encourage children to set their own targets of a 'Personal Best' and support them in achieving this. Videos, images, teacher and peer demonstration are used to support and scaffold learning through the sessions.

A​mbition for all

W​e deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all children. All Physical Education lessons are adapted to meet the needs of individual pupils following ongoing formative and summative assessments and our knowledge of the children. Where appropriate, the Early Years Curriculum and the National Curriculum 2014 will be used to identify suitable objectives to be incorporated into individual pupil targets. More able and talented pupils are identified through a range of activities and their needs are met through the development of individual or group programs that encompass a range of learning styles, which are designed to enrich the curriculum. Effective, specific and clear feedback is used in every lesson and children are encouraged to reflect on their performance and the performance of their peers.
Click here for further information on our webpage on supporting children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND)

W​hat Makes PE Special at Grappenhall Heys?

Enrichment in PE at Grappenhall Heys is a vital component of a well-rounded educational experience. It goes beyond the National Curriculum and provides our children with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of physical fitness, health, and overall well-being. Our successful Health Week incorporates a variety of activities, sports and experiences, allowing our children to explore their interests and develop lifelong skills. We emphasise the value of teamwork, sportsmanship and leadership fostering not only physical competency but also social and emotional growth. Workshops with dentists, nutritionists, disability partnerships and mindfulness coaches equip our children with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices about their physical and mental health, setting a strong foundation for a lifetime of well-being. We have developed strong links with community clubs and provide opportunities for extra-curricular activities and assemblies for our pupils, leading to pathways for our pupils to continue sport and physical activity in the community. Weekly assemblies celebrate sporting achievement outside of school.


The spirit of play and physical engagement is ingrained throughout our school's curriculum. Our students participate in active math lessons, explore learning beyond the classrooms, and embrace OPAL play opportunities as a core part of their playtime and lunchtime experiences.

Our Pupil Voice

''I love PE because we get to take part in fun activities like fencing and yoga. We learn new skills whilst having fun with our friends and we do really well when we compete against other schools. Exercise takes my mind off work and helps me to focus on myself and my friends.'' - Year 4 student

Click here to learn about our PE Pupil Voice

O​ur Curriculum Video

H​ow Can You Find Out More?

There are many things that you can do with your child at home to promote a love of being active. Practise skills linked to a sport such as throwing and catching, balancing and co-ordination with your child. Discuss the rules of sports and how attacking and defending skills can be deployed in game situations. Discuss and encourage respect for the conventions of fair play and honest competition.


Also try visiting these websites to learn more:

Move while you learn supporting English and Maths

Videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum which are accessible on YouTube

Yoga for children