

What Is It Like To Attend Our School?

Glimpse life at Grappenhall Heys by following a pupil, Hettie, around our school. Pupils thrive, succeed and very often excel at Grappenhall Heys. The pupils love school and relish the exciting learning opportunities offered to them. They develop their individual talents and

Our Curriculum Offer

Our school follows a knowledge-based curriculum underpinned by skills. At Grappenhall Heys, we want all our pupils to be inspired and to love learning . Our children - confident in who they are and with a strong sense of belonging - leave us with the required knowledge and skills to succeed in the


C​lick here to see our Admission Arrangements page for admission to our Nursery or Reception classes. O​ur Early Years consists of a Nursery unit for children aged 3 and 4 and a Reception. W​elcome to Nursery W​elcome to Reception Our Curriculum Intent At Grappenhall Heys Primary

Enrichment and School Residentials

At Grappenhall Heys, we relish the opportunity to explore and enrich the curriculum . All classes have regular visits and we welcome outside speakers into class. Each year, all of our KS2 classes have the opportunity to go on a residential visit. Please see below for videos of our most recent

Extra-Curricular Activities

At Grappenhall Heys we believe in enriching children's lives with as many experiences as possible. We offer an extensive and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities delivered by school staff and external providers. The activities vary each half term to reflect the seasons and the

Collaborative Learning

F​ebruary 2024 - Year 2 Maths Workshop W​e welcomed Year 2 children from Cobbs, Stockton Heath, St Matthews' and St Thomas' primary schools to Grappenhall Heys to take part in a maths workshop alongside children from our school. The children were fantastic and worked brilliantly with children from


Homework for all pupils will be set on Seesaw. If you have any questions about a piece of homework, please speak to us. We are happy to help and support you where needed. You or your child could message us on Seesaw should you need help. Parental comments are also very helpful for us – they inform

Active Learning

We are very proud of the sporting opportunities and physically active sessions that we offer the children at our school. Children take part in PE lessons, after school clubs, active breaks and lessons, sporting festivals and competitive events. During the week, children complete in over 200 active

Outdoor Learning

Our pupils take part in regular outdoor learning sessions in our very own woods - 'Heys Wood.' We believe that outdoor learning experiences develop reflective and inquisitive thinkers who can apply problem-solving approaches in 'real' situations. Activities vary across year groups and include

Our Remote Learning Curriculum Offer

This page is to show our remote learning curriculum offer . Our main online platform, should we need to provide remote learning, is Seesaw. Pupils and parents are confident in their use of this platform as we use it regularly in school and to set weekly homework activities. Additional ideas and