Enrichment and School Residentials

At Grappenhall Heys, we relish the opportunity to explore and enrich the curriculum. All classes have regular visits and we welcome outside speakers into class. Each year, all of our KS2 classes have the opportunity to go on a residential visit. Please see below for videos of our most recent residentials for each year group and examples of curriculum enrichment. Enrichment in our school means providing students with additional learning experiences and opportunities that go beyond the regular curriculum. It can involve activities such as field trips, special projects, guest speakers, and other hands-on learning experiences.


Enrichment activities are designed to engage students in learning and provide them with opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world. Enrichment activities may be offered during school hours or outside of school hours, and they may be led by teachers, parents, community members, or outside organisations.


Enrichment can be particularly important for gifted and talented students, as well as children with SEND needs, who may need additional challenges and stimulation to reach their full potential. However, enrichment activities can benefit all students by providing them with opportunities to learn in different ways, develop creativity and critical thinking skills, and build relationships with peers and adults outside of the classroom.

For more photos and updates please visit our school Facebook page.

P​lease also find regular updates on our school Twitter page.

S​chool Residentials

Y​ear 3- Tattenhall- One Night Residential

Year 4

Robinwood, Todmorden

In October 2023, Year 4 visited Robinwood for three days and engaged in outdoor adventurous activities.  Our children were fabulous and showed great bravery, friendship and resilience as they tackled so many different activities.




Year 5

Lledr Hall, Wales

In September 2023, Year 5 headed off to Lledr Hall to take part in exciting outdoor and adventurous activities to support their learning about rivers and mountains and our geography curriculum.

Year 6


In May 2023, Year 6 visited London to learn about the ways in which life in a city differs from our life in Grappenhall Heys. They took a river cruise on the Thames, visited Buckingham Palace and went to the theatre to watch Wicked. This residential trip was linked to our geography topic in Year 6 on London.



Enrichment Across the Curriculum

Half Term E​nrichment Planner

Enrichment Newsletter

Summer 1 and 2 will be included together in our Summer Enrichment Newsletter towards the end of July.

S​pring 2 2024- Click the image below to access.

S​pring 1 2024- Click the image below to access.

A​utumn 2 2023- Click the image below to access.

A​utumn 1 2023- Click the image below to access.

P​upil Voice - Enrichment and Clubs 2023

P​upils from Years 1-6 took part in a pupil voice session all about the enrichment opportunities in and out of school, and we were able to share what we most enjoy about these opportunities afforded to us. We also had time to share our suggestions and opinions on what other things we would like to experience whilst at school, either through wider enrichment or through extra-curricular activities. We responded to different questions by using the MentiMeter app. All of our feedback is collected below. Please click the links to see all of our responses and discussions.

W​hat areas of school life do you most enjoy?/ What do you think could be improved?

W​hat other clubs would you like to see school offer in the future?

H​ave you done any learning outside of the classroom or outside of normal lesson times this year? Explain what...